
Added: Sunday, 28th May 2017
Source: SMH.COM.AU

Quitting my addiction was only the first step in rediscovering my identity
Article By Jenny Valentish

Sunday, 28th May 2017

Being a child of the ’80s, I had pictured my adult life unfolding like a Duran Duran video. Exotic climes, open-top Jeeps, gleaming hotel lobbies. I might thump boardroom tables and power through airports in my safari suit. Upon closer examination, it was all pubs and sitting on the toilet with my head in my hands. And now that I’d quit drinking, even that was over. The good news is that quitting is one of those rare transition opportunities we sometimes have thrust upon us (see also: death, divorce, bankruptcy, redundancy, pregnancy).

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Added: Thursday, 23rd February 2017
Source: SMH.COM.AU

Dan Vickerman tragedy exposes my secret life of suicidal thoughts 
Comment By Alan Stokes 

Tuesday, 21st February 2017

You are in a box. Locked. In a human-sized box.

There are holes for your arms and legs and orifices, so you can do the mundane stuff you need to survive.

The holes let you breathe and eat and drink and piss and shit and walk and shake hands politely with all those people whose smiling faces you encounter every single day make you want to ask, “What’s your secret?”

See full article

Added: Saturday, 26th November 2016
Source: SMH.COM.AU

What is the cost to our lives of self-medicating with alcohol? Lifestyle & Relationships
By Cosima Marriner 

Friday, 18th November 2016

Whether it’s the after-work wine-down with colleagues, the sneaky G&T to help survive the homework/dinner/bath/bed

frazzle, or the blissful pop of the champagne cork at that long-planned catch-up with the girls, women are increasingly

getting through life with a glass in their hand.

See full article

Added: Thursday, 24th November 2016
Source: ABC.NET.AU

Rural town’s response to ice problem highlighted by youth-produced documentary ABC Rural
By Margot Kelly

Thursday, 10th Noverment 2016

A group of young rural Australians are reframing the issue of ice, or crystal methamphetamine, in their local community.

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